Leadership Programs
Leadership Programs
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임원 리더십
임원 리더십의 필수적인 역량과 민첩성 개발 오늘날 "VUCA" 환경에서는 다른 종류의 리더십이 필요하다. 이러한 리더십 중심에는 임원 리더십 개발에 필수적인 역량을 포함하여 리더십 민첩성이 핵심이다. 조직 내외에 대한 변화의 징조를 감지하고 응답하는 능력. 조직이 민첩할수록 큰 성공을 거둔다.
주요 학습 : Fundamentals of Executive Leadership
  • · 자기 인식 역량 개발 (현재 효과가 있는 것과 그렇지 않은 것 구별)
  • · 다양함과 유연성을 높이는 관리 기술, 리더십 민첩성 개발
  • · 영향력을 확대하고 구성원들을 통해 새로운 결과를 만들어내는 역량
  • · 의사결정 품질 향상. Management Team Leaders
  • · 자발적 성과 책임을 조직에 확산시키는 리더십 기술
  • · 경계와 조직의 사일로를 넘어서는 마인드셋 기반의 행동 리더십
리더십 민첩성
  • 리더십 민첩성은 변화를 감지하고 수용하면서, 변화를 활용한다.
  • 사람과 사람사이의 문제를 해결하고, 스마트하게 행동하고, 의사결정을 하면서 민첩하게 실행 할 수 있는 민첩성은 사람과 비즈니스를 연결하는 마인드셋과 리더십 스킬의 조합이다.
  • 민첩한 리더는 조직 내외부의 전문가를 규합해 더 많은 가치를 창조한다.
Content and Tools This one-day program is designed to significantly advance leaders’ abilities to implement outward mindset ways of working within their teams and organizations.
It equips leaders with a suite of 38 practical tools to ensure they and their employees are working with an outward mindset. Participants are equipped to use all 38 tools and leave the workshop with a specific plan for implementing the tools to address their pressing organizational issues. So that leaders can quickly reference and apply the tools, they are grouped into four categories and listed in a Workplace Situations Index containing 30 common
What Makes an Effective Executive
An effective executive does not need to be a leader in the sense that the term is now most commonly used. Harry Truman did not have one ounce of charisma, for example, yet he was among the most effective chief executives in U.S. history. Similarly, some of the best business and nonprofit CEOs I’ve worked with over a 65-year consulting career were not stereotypical leaders. They were all over the map in terms of their personalities, attitudes, values, strengths, and weaknesses. They ranged from extroverted to nearly reclusive, from easygoing to controlling, from generous to parsimonious.
    What made them all effective is that they followed the same eight practices:
  • ·They asked, “What needs to be done?”
  • ·They asked, “What is right for the enterprise?”
  • ·They developed action plans.
  • ·They took responsibility for decisions.
  • ·They took responsibility for communicating.
  • ·They were focused on opportunities rather than problems.
  • ·They ran productive meetings.
  • ·They thought and said “we” rather than “I.”
The first two practices gave them the knowledge they needed. The next four helped them convert this knowledge into effective action. The last two ensured that the whole organization felt responsible and accountable. (by Peter F. Drucker, HBR)
대상CEO, 경영자, 임원, TMT (Top Management Team) 등
시간8시간, 표준형 16시간, 맞춤형
방법워크샵 , On/Off-Line 연계 학습 .사후 1:1 학습지원 코칭
주요고객사IBM. 삼성증권, 삼성전자, LG전자, POSCO, 효성, CJ 등